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I am Roy Endre from Norway, I am a Male born in 1977 in the town Volda, it is situated on the north west coast of Norway, surrounded by spectacular fjords and mountains.




Volda is situated in the middle of the western coastline of Norway.

Volda is surrounded by Sunnmørsalpane, a chain of alpine mountain peaks, and is renowned for its beautiful scenery.

Volda muncipality has a population of about 8300, augmented by a student population of about 1500 during the academic year. Farming, fishing, forestry and aquaculture have traditionally been important occupations in Volda. In addition, the maintenance of lighthouses and navigation marks has provided a vital source of income in many of the smaller villages in the municipality. Today it is the large public sector institutions, the university college and the hospital, that are the biggest workplaces in the district.

VoldaUniversityCollege has approximately 3000 students, 150 academic staff, and about 60 technical and administrative staff. The college has long and proud traditions of higher education dating back to its foundation as a teachers’ training college established in 1895. The college now has four faculties.  It offers five Master's programmes, more than 30 undergraduate study programmes, and about 300 study courses.  Nationally, Volda University College is perhaps best known for its journalism school, having educated many of the most important and influential journalists in Norway over the last thirty years.

Volda, a centre of culture

The centre of Volda is a charming district located right next to Volda Fjord.  There are many old wooden structures here—both commercial and residential—but at the heart of it is a beautiful stone church.  Long ago this area was known as Halkjesvika, and it has been continuously occupied for many centuries. The first written source that mentions the place is the saga by Snorre, in wich Halkjesvika is named in connection with the battle of Hjørungavåg in the year 988 A.D. There has been a church here since the Middle Ages.














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